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For the absolute best in Professional Quality Counter Surveillance Equipment and lots of useful information visit MES Innovations at.
For all your Prepaid Cellular, Satellite TV, Web Hosting VOIP, Broad band, Cellular, and all your other communications needs visit our friends at Mountain Enterprises. http://www.tlc14u.com
Also we Highly recommend Alex Jones site for more of this type of INFORMATION!!
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Coast to Coast am has Tons of stuff on lots of subjects. With Art Bell & George Noory!!
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We at Shadow Wars are in constant search of the truth. We monitor Bible Prophecy, The Government, News, Overseas sources, Internet, Weather Conditions. You name it, we Watch it. We travel as much as possible to monitor local news and local frequencies, to bring the people of the world all the information at our disposal. 

!!Survival Articles!!

We decided to ad this category to the site to aid you if an when this Country goes to HELL. And we mean that literally. as their seems to be allot of controversy over the rapture and when it will happen as of late. It may be useful to Christians and people who become Christians after the rapture.

Survival Gear 
by Rev. Mark Shadow

  My Grandfather always told me to carry 2 things at all times ( and I still do it to this day even years after his death )a knife and a something to start a fire with. My personal favorites are a leatherman and a bic. I almost always carry both and they have saved my butt many many times. So we will start with that. Also a compass would be a good addition to his starting list.

  Now of course budget will play a large role in any survival planning. But remember your life may depend on this gear so buy the best you can. I would rather buy used quality gear than new junk that will fail you in your hour of need. To this end I have found E- Bay to be a good source for quality used gear.

  You must also consider you ability to carry, health of your party, sexes of your party, any medications people in your group may need, are you traveling by vehicle or foot, ages of you group, and what you will do in the event that you can no longer travel by vehicle. You must always assume that eventually you may end up on foot. We can carry allot of gear in the motor home and our 4x4 but someday you may not want to travel by road or they may become impassable. So pray you can drive but plan to walk just in case.

  Now I like high tech gear as much as the next guy and it is very useful but it can stop working or become a security risk. So use it as long as you can but always  always have a low tech backup. Another thing my Grand Dad used to say was the more they complicate the works the more things there are to go wrong. (He was always full of good advice ). But if you only have room for one always opt for the low tech option. A gps is wonderful but one good EMP pulse will knock them out and a compass will still be going. Batteries can die 200 miles from the nearest store.

  Always choose your gear carefully and weigh weather you really need it must have it or just want it. And plan accordingly. A hair dryer is not a necessity in a back pack and after you lug it 15 miles your going to dump it anyway. So just don't take it in the first place. Remember if you end up walking your going to be lugging this junk from dawn to dusk. So Take what you have to have. Leave just want ems in the vehicle if you have to dump them.

  Try to find things that will do double duty and serve more than on purpose. like a small walkie talkie gps unit in one. Plan for food and water and how you are going to resupply these things. How you are going to replace your consumables and perishables, and MEDICATIONS. Plan a place for your group to meet up a rendezvous point if you become separated. Plan all of these things in advance and write them down in a small book and place it in a zipplock bag.

 I can not say this enough plan plan plan. Try to think out as many things as you can. Then discuss them with your group. Two heads are better than one. 

Obtain maps radio freqs. whatever might be of help to you in the area your traveling in. And each of you familiarize your self with your gear. You don't want to be figuring out how to use your gps once your lost or trying to figure out how to put up your tent in the rain. Take your family camping so everyone has fun spends some quality time together and learns the gear at the same time.

  Remember you and your families life may one day depend on what your wits so hone your skills as much as you can. My two daughter's had a blast camping for 28 days a few summers ago. They didn't want to go home and we camped primitive I thought they would hate it especially my oldest girl but they had allot of fun so give it a shot. In today's world we don't get to spend enough time with the people that count any way.
