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This Article Reposted From Indiadaily.com
New hardware and
software battle weather 
control warfare – the race to win the ionosphere 
Staff Reporter 
Apr. 10, 2005 

Controlling the earth’s weather in a specific location manipulating ionosphere and the earth’s outer radiation belts is possible since late nineties. Many nations are now developing counter measures to neutralize the weather manipulation techniques. 

Satellites are being designed and developed to monitor such activities. 

The modern methods of artificial weather modifications involve artificial ionization of earth’s atmosphere between 15,000 and 30,000 ft. and above. Manipulating the ionosphere and use of controlled solar-terrestrial interactions can create much larger effects. Sun’s natural Electromagnetic Radiation reaching the earth controls the earth’s weather. The Sun’s Radiations and Ultraviolet Rays have to cross the ionosphere to reach the earth. Solar radiations and flares are directly responsible for planetary weather changes. Solar flares and levels of radiations are caused by bombardment of cosmic rays on the Sun from either a distant massive black hole or a star-cluster caused by the collapse of thousands and thousands of stars in a small space. Ionosphere acts as a filter to the solar radiations that reach the earth. Manipulation and controlling the filter is a potential source of massive weather modification. Controlling the ionosphere potentially allows weather control. There are many methods of controlling the ionosphere. It is the process of artificially manipulating ion density in the ionosphere. High power transmitter and antenna array operating in the HF (High Frequency) range is one of the methods. There are lots of literature on that in the Internet and declassified scientific research journals. 

Many countries are now rushing to take counter measures to take control of the ionosphere that impacts their nation’s weather. The counter measures involve reverse ionization and monitoring through advanced satellite monitoring methods. The anomalies in weather prediction model also provide an early indication of someone trying to control the local weather. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is hurriedly installing weather monitoring station all over India. 

According to international think tanks, the major powers of the world are racing towards a cold war of controlling the ionosphere. The methods and counter methods need tremendous amount of electrical power. The hardware is now guided by the software algorithms to first detect such weather manipulation and then take counter measures to neutralize adversary’s attempts. Soon new generation of satellites will take control of the ionosphere. 

The silent cold war on controlling the ionosphere in on!

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