at Shadow Wars are in constant search of the truth. We monitor Bible Prophecy,
The Government, News, Overseas sources, Internet, Weather Conditions. You
name it, we Watch it. We travel as much as possible to monitor local news
and local frequencies, to bring the people of the world all the information
at our disposal.
Global Conspiracies
In this Category we decided to devote more
time to conspiracies. We usually do not post here unless we find some kind
of mainstream media source or Government documents. Something that
does not come from the alternative media. We have all read stuff on the
alternative sites like this one. But we usually require some kind of mainstream
cooberation as most alternative sites do. As we find more information on
subject such as prison camps, RFID's, Weather Control, where communications
jammed during the Katrina disaster. And many other topics. We cover things
like conspiracies because we believe that these conspiracies will be used
by the Shadow Government to bring about the End Times prophecies that are
quoted in the BIBLE!!
We got wind of this story listening to Alex
Jones on Coast to Coast am. Alex and many other believe that the US government
is using the elite P2OG unit to instigate the terrorist situation world
wide to precipitate the taking of people rights. To protect US from the
evil terrorists. And after reviewing the evidence on the subject I believe
it warrants closer scrutiny.
We found
this evidence on the net. Published originally by the LA Times.
Published on Sunday, October 27, 2002 by the
Los Angeles Times
The Secret War
Frustrated by intelligence failures, the Defense
Department is dramatically expanding its 'black world' of covert operations
by William Arkin
SOUTH POMFRET, Vt. -- In what may well be the
largest expansion of covert action by the armed forces since the Vietnam
era, the Bush administration has turned to what the Pentagon calls the
"black world" to press the war on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
The Defense Department is building up an elite
secret army with resources stretching across the full spectrum of covert
capabilities. New organizations are being created. The missions of existing
units are being revised. Spy planes and ships are being assigned new missions
in anti-terror and monitoring the "axis of evil."
The increasingly dominant role of the military,
Pentagon officials say, reflects frustration at the highest levels of government
with the performance of the intelligence community, law enforcement agencies
and much of the burgeoning homeland security apparatus. It also reflects
the desire of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to gain greater overall
control of the war on terror.
Insulated from outside pressures, armed with
matchless weapons and technology, trained to operate below the shadow line,
the Pentagon's black world of classified operations holds out the hope
of swift, decisive action in a struggle against terrorism that often looks
more like a family feud than a war.
Coupled with the enormous effort being made
throughout the government to improve and link information networks and
databases, covert anti-terror operations promise to put better information
in the hands of streamlined military teams that can identify, monitor and
neutralize terrorist threats.
"Prevention and preemption are ... the only
defense against terrorism," Rumsfeld said in May. "Our task is to find
and destroy the enemy before they strike us."
The new apparatus for covert operations and
the growing government secrecy associated with the war on terrorism reflect
the way the Bush administration's most senior officials see today's world:
First, they see fighting terrorism and its
challenge to U.S. interests and values as the 21st century equivalent of
the Cold War crusade against communism. Second, they believe the magnitude
of the threat requires, and thus justifies, aggressive new "off-the-books"
In their understandable frustration over continued
atrocities such as the recent Bali attack, however, U.S. officials might
keep two points in mind.
Though covert action can bring quick results,
because it is isolated from the normal review processes it can just as
quickly bring mistakes and larger problems. Also, the Pentagon is every
bit as capable as the civilian side of the government when it comes to
creating organization charts and bureaucracy that stifle creative thinking
and timely action.
The development of the Pentagon's covert counter-terror
capability has its roots in the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. The Army created
a highly compartmentalized organization that could collect clandestine
intelligence independent of the rest of the U.S. intelligence community
and follow through with covert military action.
Known as the Intelligence Support Activity,
or ISA, when it was established in 1981, this unit fought in drug wars
and counter-terror operations from the Middle East to South America. It
built a reputation for daring, flexibility and a degree of lawlessness.
In May 1982, Deputy Secretary of Defense Frank
Carlucci called the ISA "uncoordinated and uncontrolled." Though its freelance
tendencies were curbed, the ISA continued to operate under different guises
through the ill starred U.S. involvement in Somalia in 1992 and was reportedly
active in the hunt for Bosnian Serbs suspected of war crimes.
Today, the ISA operates under the code name
Gray Fox. In addition to covert operations, it provides the war on terrorism
with the kind of so-called "close-in" signals monitoring -- including the
interception of cell phone conversations -- that helped bring down Colombian
drug lord Pablo Escobar.
Gray Fox's low-profile eavesdropping planes
also fly without military markings. Working closely with Special Forces
and the CIA, Gray Fox also places operatives inside hostile territory.
In and around Afghanistan, Gray Fox was part
of a secret sphere that included the CIA's paramilitary Special Activities
Division and the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations Command.
These commands and "white" Special Forces like
the Green Berets, as well as Air Force combat controllers and commandos
of eight different nations report to a mind-boggling array of new command
cells and coordination units set up after Sept. 11.
An Army brigadier general commands the Joint
Interagency Task Force at Bagram air base north of Kabul to coordinate
CIA, Defense Department and coalition forces in Afghanistan. A new Campaign
Support Group has been established at Ft. Bragg, N.C. The Special Operations
Joint Interagency Collaboration Center has been created in Tampa, Fla.
In Europe, the Joint Interagency Coordination
Group handles information-sharing and logistical support with NATO. Hawaii's
Pacific Command stood up a Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorist Group this
Meantime, old commands are being morphed into
new ones for the covert war. The two Joint Interagency Task Forces in the
United States previously devoted to fighting drugs now have the war on
terrorism as their highest priority.
The epicenter of the Pentagon's covert operations
remains the North Carolina-based Joint Special Operations Command, often
referred to as Delta Force. The super-secret command is still not officially
acknowledged to exist. Its two-star commander, Army Maj. Gen. Dell L. Dailey,
who spent much of the Afghan war in Oman, has no public biography.
Among Dailey's assets is a fleet of aircraft
specially equipped for secret operations -- conventional and covert military
planes and helicopters, and even former Soviet helicopters. The bulk of
those craft, including the reconfigured Russian choppers, fly from airfields
in Uzbekistan and from two Pakistani air bases, Shahbaz and Shamsi.
The Air Force and the CIA collect additional
intelligence from unmanned Predator and Global Hawk drones. They also have
low-profile reconnaissance assets that look like transport planes and operate
under such code names as ARL-Low, Keen Sage, Scathe View and Senior Scout.
Not to be left out, the Navy's Gray Star spy
vessel, reminiscent of the old Pueblo, captured by North Korea in 1968,
now sweeps up sophisticated -- and obscure -- "measurements and signatures
intelligence" to monitor the ballistic missile capabilities of Iraq, Iran
and North Korea.
Even with all this, the Pentagon wants to expand
covert capabilities.
Rumsfeld's influential Defense Science Board
2002 Summer Study on Special Operations and Joint Forces in Support of
Countering Terrorism says in its classified "outbrief" -- a briefing drafted
to guide other Pentagon agencies -- that the global war on terrorism "requires
new strategies, postures and organization."
The board recommends creation of a super-Intelligence
Support Activity, an organization it dubs the Proactive, Preemptive Operations
Group, (P2OG), to bring together CIA and military covert action, information
warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception.
Among other things, this body would launch
secret operations aimed at "stimulating reactions" among terrorists and
states possessing weapons of mass destruction -- that is, for instance,
prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to "quick-response"
attacks by U.S. forces.
Such tactics would hold "states/sub-state actors
accountable" and "signal to harboring states that their sovereignty will
be at risk," the briefing paper declares.
Never to be outdone in proposing hardware solutions,
the Air Force is designing its own Global Response Task Force to fight
the war on terrorism. The all-seeing, all-bombing Air Force envisions unmanned
A-X aircraft capable of long-range, nighttime gunship operations and an
M-X covert transport, as well as hypersonic and space-based conventional
weapons capable of delivering a "worldwide attack within an hour."
Who says the arms race is over? Rumsfeld's
science board warns against overemphasis on equipment even as it recommends
more. Washington is well on its way to an arms race with itself.
And for those who worry that all these secret
operations and aggressive new doctrines will turn the United States into
the world's policeman, there is a ray of hope.
Rumsfeld is now the field marshal of the war
on terrorism, but the Pentagon is also creating new layers of bureaucracy
that may save it from itself. Not to mention the rest of us.
William M. Arkin is a military affairs analyst
who writes regularly for Opinion. E-mail: warkin@igc.org
Copyright 2002 Los Angeles Times
This was a part of a UPI story.
Panel wants $7bn elite counter-terror unit
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 (UPI) -- The United States
should create an elite group of counter-terror operatives to make the war
on terrorism pre-emptive and proactive, duping al Qaida into undertaking
operations it is not prepared for and thereby exposing its personnel, a
Pentagon report advocating more than $7 billion in new spending will recommend.
UPI obtained documents summarizing the report of the Defense Science Board,
which will be publicly released in late October. Among other things, the
report will advocate tagging key terrorist figures with special chemicals
so they can be tracked by laser anywhere on Earth and creating a "red team"
of particularly diabolical thinkers to plot imaginary terror attacks on
the United States so the government can plan to thwart them.
Panel wants $7bn elite counter-terror unit
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 (UPI) - The United States
should create an elite group of counter-terror operatives to make the war
on terrorism pre-emptive and proactive, duping al Qaida intoundertaking
operations it is not prepared for and thereby exposing its personnel, a
Pentagon report advocating more than $7 billion in new spending will recommend.
United Press International has exclusively
obtained documents summarizing the report of the Defense Science Board,
which will be publicly released in late October, after it has been presented
to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
The report, which reads in parts like a fantastical
"spy vs. spy "manual, will also advocate tagging key terrorist figures
with special chemicals so they can be tracked by laser anywhere on Earth;
creating a special SWAT team to surreptitiously find and destroy chemical,
biological and nuclear weapons all over the world; and creating a "red
team" of particularly diabolical thinkers to plot imaginary terror attacks
on the United States so the government can plan to thwart them.
These recommendations and many more comprise
the report by the DSB, a panel of private industry executives that advise
the Pentagon on technologies, threats and policies. The report outlines
billions in new spending on counter-terror operations and an expanded new
role for Joint Forces Command in preparing the military for urban battles.
The report is entitled "Special Operations and Joint Forces in Countering
The counter-terror operations group alone would
require 100 people and at least $100 million a year. Rather than simply
trying to find and foil terrorists' plans - the approach that characterizes
the current strategy - the "Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group" - known
as P2OG - would devise ways to stimulate terrorists into responding or
moving operations, possibly by stealing their money or tricking them with
fake communications, according to the report. The group would be comprised
of specialists in information operations, psychological operations, computer
network attack, covert activities, signal intelligence, human intelligence,
special operations forces and deception operations.
The Defense Department already maintains a
secretive counter-terror operations group known as Delta Force that is
called in when acris is happens; P2OG would focus its efforts on preventing
those crises from even occurring in the first place.
The DSB is recommending the group be headed
not by the Pentagon but by the White House's national security adviser's
staff, a suggestion that is meeting some resistance in the Defense Department,
according to sources close to the matter. Rumsfeld has not been briefed
on the report yet but many of his top generals have, including U.S. Central
Command chief Gen. Tommy Franks, who is running the war against al Qaida
in Afghanistan. One of the most costly recommendations is an overhaul of
theintelligence community's ability to penetrate terrorist cells to collect
information. The technologies and methods to do so are classified in the
report, but the price tag is not: $1.7 billion over a 5-year period beginning
in 2004.
The panel also envisions a new breed of chemical
and DNA tags to identify and track terrorist leaders. Agents could infiltrate
terrorist groups and swab leaders' clothes with chemicals that would make
them "light up" under a laser tracker. A DNA database could be created
to track the same people by collecting samples of biological material from
objects and papers handled by the targets. The DSB would also convene a
panel of some 24 creative, highly respected analysts - and even people
like author Tom Clancy who show a talent for dreaming up possible scenarios
of destruction - who would plan "as terrorists might" ways to attack the
U.S. homeland and forces overseas. Funded at around $20 million a year,
the panel would report their detailed plans to the CIA director. They would
also report on what to look for in someone who is planning such an attack
- what materials are being purchased, what countries are being visited,
and who would be contacted.
The panel would also create a team of specially
trained special forces soldiers able to search out and take offensive action
against suspected nuclear, chemical or biological weapons sites, offer
force protection for U.S. soldiers nearby and "consequence management,
"like enforcing quarantines. That effort would cost about $500 million
a year and U.S. Special Operations Command would be in charge. That team
would need a new set of battlefield sensors to determine when the weapons
are being used, according to the DSB. Currently there are no tactical nuclear
detectors that operate kilometers away from detonation - a safe standoff
range; no clandestine chemical detectors that operate kilometers away;
and no biological agent detectors that operate at safe distances.
"No matter the sensing, `agent defeat' (destroying
or vitiating the effect of chemical or biological weapons) is critical
and requires additional resources," the report states.
The Defense Science Board advocates $1 billion
a year for research and development in sensor and "agent defeat" technologies.
Special Forces, the centerpiece of the war in Afghanistan, would move firmly
to the center of military operations as the global war on terrorism continues,
according to the DSB.
The panel sees Special Forces increasing the
number and scope of exercises it conducts with conventional forces; increasing
its size by about 2 percent a year; and dramatically increasing its budget.
Special operations is also one of the few ways that U.S. allies can offer
comparable capabilities: Eight countries contributed special forces to
the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.
The costs of improving Special Forces' equipment,
larger exercises and increasing international cooperation are in the "billions,"
according to the report.
The war on terrorism presents an intelligence
challenge unlike anything the United States has seen before, and the Defense
Science Board responds by suggesting the creation of a force of former
intelligence retirees who could be recalled to duty instantly when a surge
capacity of intelligence workers is needed. They would be called to active
duty at least once a year and participate in counter-terror intelligence
exercises - a total effort that would cost about $100 million a year.
The counter-terrorism capabilities resident
in the military services and intelligence agencies would be enhanced by
the addition of 500 people over the next 18 months who would "focus on
understanding effects of globalization, radicalism, cultures, religions,
economics, etc., to better characterize potential adversaries." For the
personnel increase and the technical capabilities they would need, the
bill could rise to $800 million.
The panel would also add $200 million to the
Joint Warfare Analysis Center - a cell of about 500 planners and target
analysts in Dahlgren, Va. - and Joint Forces Command's net assessment center.
The panel also recommends establishing other similar centers to support
targeting of terrorist organizations and their supporting infrastructures.
Once the terrorists are found, the battles
that ensue are likely to take place in urban environments, something for
which the U.S. military is woefully underprepared, according to the DSB.
The entire spectrum of intelligence, surveillance
and reconnaissance would be invigorated with an infusion of $1.6 billion
per year over the next six years, with the emphasis on tying together unmanned
aerial vehicles, manned platforms, space-based sensors and databases into
a seamless whole. The money would also be invested in developing "a rich
set of new ground sensor capabilities" that would be specially focused
on watching small terrorist cells. While the U.S. experience in Somalia
in 1993, immortalized in the book and movie "Black Hawk Down," spurred
more urban-operationstraining, the DSB asserts that there remain significant
problems indoctrine, training and technology. It recommends creating a
dedicated urban training range on the West Coast, similar in function to
the Army's National Training Center in California. Training would emphasize
small unit action, leadership initiative and flexibility and low-level
control of supporting fire - that is, having relatively junior members
of the military decide how much back-up fire they need, when and where.
That effort would require $300 million a year
for the next six years. Joint Forces Command, now charged with experimentation
in military concepts, would be put in charge of research and development
of technologies and tactics in urban warfare. Like U.S. Special Forces
Command, it would be given a separate budget it could invest however it
deemed necessary, without relying on the military services. In fact, the
report recommends that Joint Forces Command should be given power over
the military services' command and control investments, to ensure that
all will be using interoperable equipment, enabling joint operations during
war and exercises. Intrinsic to urban warfare would be the development
of a detailed database of most of the cities in the world where troops
might been gaged, with GPS coordinates marking key structures and roads.
The database would be constantly updated. It would come together in a three-dimensional
display showing buildings, including windows and doors, streets and alleys
and underground passages, obstacles like power lines and key infrastructure
like water and communicationslines.
The Defense Science Board also believes the
military's "rear flank"- protecting its people, forces, critical infrastructures,
and ability to mobilize forces safely - needs a great deal more attention."
Increase 10-fold over three years the people and resources devoted to assessing
vulnerabilities of our DOD force projection capabilities and critical infrastructure,"
the report recommends. The report also suggests conducting an extensive
vulnerability assessment on military posts and mobility routes. Together
the efforts would cost more than $250 million
This was found on AFPN.
Written By: Chris Floyd
"Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)"
Fri Jun 20 02:44:09 2003
The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks
This age: layers of lime harden in the sick
son's blood... There's nowhere to run from the tyrant-epoch... Who else
will you kill? Who else glorify? What other lies will you invent?
Osip Mandelshtam,
"1 January 1924"
This column stands foursquare with the Honorable
Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, when he warns that there
will be more terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization
at large. We know, as does the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary
of Defense, that this statement is an incontrovertible fact, a matter of
scientific certainty. And how can we and the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld,
U.S. Secretary of Defense, be so sure that there will be more terrorist
attacks against the American people and civilization at large?
Because these attacks will be instigated at
the order of the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense.
This astonishing admission was buried deep
in a story which was itself submerged by mounds of gray newsprint and glossy
underwear ads in last Sunday's Los Angeles Times. There--in an article
by military analyst William Arkin, detailing the vast expansion of the
secret armies being massed by the former Nixon bureaucrat now lording it
over the Pentagon--came the revelation of Rumsfeld's plan to create "a
super-Intelligence Support Activity" that will "bring together CIA and
military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and
According to a classified document prepared
for Rumsfeld by his Defense Science Board, the new organization--the "Proactive,
Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)"--will carry out secret missions designed
to "stimulate reactions" among terrorist groups, provoking them into committing
violent acts which would then expose them to "counterattack" by U.S. forces.
In other words--and let's say this plainly,
clearly and soberly, so that no one can mistake the intention of Rumsfeld's
plan--the United States government is planning to use "cover and deception"
and secret military operations to provoke murderous terrorist attacks on
innocent people. Let's say it again: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, George
W. Bush and the other members of the unelected regime in Washington plan
to deliberately foment the murder of innocent people--your family, your
friends, your lovers, you--in order to further their geopolitical ambitions.
For P2OG is not designed solely to flush out
terrorists and bring them to justice--a laudable goal in itself, although
the Rumsfeld way of combating terrorism by causing it is pure moral lunacy.
(Or should we use the Regime's own preferred terminology and just call
it "evil"?) No, it seems the Pee-Twos have bigger fish to fry. Once they
have sparked terrorists into action--by killing their family members? luring
them with loot? fueling them with drugs? plying them with jihad propaganda?
messing with their mamas? or with agents provocateurs, perhaps, who infiltrate
groups then plan and direct the attacks themselves?--they can then take
measures against the "states/sub-state actors accountable" for "harboring"
the Rumsfeld-roused gangs. What kind of measures exactly? Well, the classified
Pentagon program puts it this way: "Their sovereignty will be at risk."
The Pee-Twos will thus come in handy whenever
the Regime hankers to add a little oil-laden real estate or a new military
base to the Empire's burgeoning portfolio. Just find a nest of violent
malcontents, stir 'em with a stick, and presto: instant "justification"
for whatever level of intervention/conquest/rapine you might desire. And
what if the territory you fancy doesn't actually harbor any convenient
marauders to use for fun and profit? Well, surely a God-like "super-Intelligence
Support Activity" is capable of creation ex nihilo, yes?
The Rumsfeld-Bush plan to employ murder and
terrorism for political, financial and ideological gain does have historical
roots (besides al Qaeda, the Stern Gang, the SA, the SS, the KGB, the IRA,
the UDF, Eta, Hamas, Shining Path and countless other upholders of Bushian
morality, decency and freedom). We refer of course to Operations Northwoods,
oft mentioned in these pages: the plan that America's top military brass
presented to President John Kennedy in 1963, calling for a phony terrorist
campaign--complete with bombings, hijackings, plane crashes and dead Americans--to
provide "justification" for an invasion of Cuba, the Mafia/Corporate fiefdom
which had recently been lost to Castro.
Kennedy rejected the plan, and was killed a
few months later. Now Rumsfeld has resurrected Northwoods, but on a far
grander scale, with resources at his disposal undreamed of by those brass
of yore, with no counterbalancing global rival to restrain him--and with
an ignorant, corrupt president who has shown himself all too eager to embrace
any means whatsoever that will augment the wealth and power of his own
narrow, undemocratic, elitist clique.
There is prestuplyeniye here, transgression,
a stepping-over--deliberately, with open eyes, with forethought, planning,
and conscious will--of lines that should never be crossed. Acting in deadly
symbiosis with rage-maddened killers, God-crazed ranters and those supreme
"sub-state actors," the mafias, Bush and his cohorts are plunging the world
into an abyss, an endless night of black ops, retribution, blowback, deceit,
of murder and terror--wholesale, retail, state-sponsored, privatized; of
fear and degradation, servility, chaos, and the perversion of all that's
best in us, of all that we've won from the bestiality of our primal nature,
all that we've raised above the mindless ravening urges and impulses still
boiling in the mud of our monkey brains.
It's not a fight for freedom; it's a retreat
into darkness.
And the day will be a long time coming.
Chris Floyd is a columnist for the Moscow Times
and a regular contributor to CounterPunch. He can be reached at: cfloyd72@hotmail.com
'P2OG' allows Pentagon to fight dirty
By David Isenberg
Asia Times, November 5 2002
"Run away from the light": Such might be the
motto of a new, covert policy
that the Bush administration is considering
implementing. According to
recent news reports, it would be the largest
expansion into the world of
black ops and covert action since the end
of the Vietnam War in the 1970s.
And that's saying quite a lot, considering
that since Vietnam the Pentagon
has not exactly been dormant in this area.
As well-known military analyst William Arkin
pointed out in an October 27
column in the Los Angeles Times, the development
of the Pentagon's covert
counter-terror capability has its roots in
the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. The
army created a highly compartmentalized organization
that could collect
clandestine intelligence independent of the
rest of the US intelligence
community, and follow through with covert
military action. Today, it
operates under the code name Grey Fox. In
Afghanistan it operated alongside
the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) paramilitary
Special Activities
Division and the Pentagon's Joint Special
Operations Command.
Then there are numerous recent initiatives,
such as net assessment
capabilities at combatant commands, a new
campaign support group at Fort
Bragg, a counter-terrorism Technology Support
Office, to name just a few.
Yet the Pentagon wants more. Its Defense Science
Board (DSB) conducted a
2002 "Summer Study on Special Operations and
Joint Forces in Support of
Countering Terrorism". Excerpts from that
study, dated August 16, were
leaked and obtained by the Federation of American
Scientists, which posted
them on their website. The report was produced
by a 10-member panel of
military experts that included Vice Admiral
William O Studeman, former
director of the National Security Agency.
According to the leak, the United States is
engaged in a global war on
terrorism that is "a real war" in case anyone
doubts it. This means, among
other things, a "committed, resourceful and
globally dispersed adversary
with strategic reach" against whom the US
will wage "a long, at times
violent, and borderless war" which "requires
new strategies, postures and
That explains why the United States has, so
to speak, decided to fight fire
with fire. Although the study is filled with
lots of the usual buzzwords and
phrases that Pentagon planners love, such
as "robust connectivity, agile
ground forces, adaptive joint command and
control and discriminant use of
force", one thing that does stand out is its
call for
This is consistent with the administration's
new National Security Strategy,
which called for preemption; indeed, since
the DSB study preceded the
release of the strategy, it is possible that
the strategy was written to
incorporate some of its aspects.
The study urges the Pentagon to "take the terrorist
threat as seriously as
it takes the likelihood and consequences of
major theater war", urging
officials to launch secret missions and intelligence
operations to penetrate
and disrupt terrorist cells abroad. Some of
those operations should be aimed
at signaling to countries that harbor terrorists
that "their sovereignty
will be at risk".
If adopted, some of the proposals appear to
push the military into territory
that traditionally has been the domain of
the CIA, raising questions about
whether such missions would be subject to
the same legal restraints imposed
on CIA activities.
But William Schneider Jr, chairman of the DSB,
rejected such concerns,
saying that the panel set out to identify
ways that special operations units
could do more to assist the war on terrorism,
not encroach on other
agencies' authority.
"The CIA executes the plans but they use Department
of Defense assets,"
Schneider said. He emphasized that the board
was not recommending any
changes to long-standing US policies banning
assassinations, or requiring
presidents to approve in advance US covert
operations. Nor, he said, was the
panel advocating changes that would erode
congressional oversight.
Yet lawmakers have expressed concern with Defense
Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld's push to expand the Pentagon's covert
capabilities, mainly because
the Pentagon is not subject to rules that
require the CIA to report its
covert activities to Congress.
The DSB summary document suggests that many
changes are already under way.
It cites the expansion of existing intelligence
analysis centers and the
creation of new management teams to direct
covert operations at such
installations as Fort Bragg, where US special
forces such as Delta Force are
It recommends the creation of a super-Intelligence
Support Activity, an
organization it dubs the Proactive, Preemptive
Operations Group (P2OG), to
bring together CIA and military covert action,
information warfare,
intelligence and cover and deception. For
example, the Pentagon and CIA
would work together to increase human intelligence
forward/operational presence and to deploy
new clandestine technical
To bolster government HUMINT capabilities,
the task force advances the idea
of an intelligence "surge/unsurge" capability
- a "robust, global cadre of
retirees, reservists and others who are trained
and qualified to serve on
short notice, including expatriates". This
group could be pressed into
service during times of crisis.
P2OG would launch secret operations aimed at
"stimulating reactions" among
terrorists and states possessing weapons of
mass destruction, meaning it
would prod terrorist cells into action, thus
exposing them to
"quick-response" attacks by US forces. The
means by which it would do this
is the far greater use of special operations
Responsibility and accountability for the P2OG
would be vested in a "Special
Operations Executive" in the National Security
Council (NSC). The NSC would
plan operations but not oversee their execution
in order to avoid
comparisons to past abuses, such as the Iran-Contra
operations run out of
the NSC by Oliver North during the Reagan
administration. Under the board's
proposal, NSC plans would be executed by the
Pentagon or the CIA.
Costs would include developing new means to
enable "deep penetration of
adversaries" ($1.7 billion annually); exercises
and gaming ($100 million
annually); development of technical capabilities
and the hiring of 500 new
staff ($800 million annually); establishment
of centers of excellence to
handle increased workload ($500 million annually);
and expansion of the
Joint Forces net assessment activity ($100
million annually). The total cost
is envisaged as $3.3 billion.
The DSB study also provides tantalizing glimpses
of new capabilities already
in the works, referring to new high-tech sensors
in development that would
enable the United States more closely to track
the movements of vehicles or
even individuals by satellite. Some of these
capabilities are already
advanced, such as high-altitude airships,
thermobaric weapons and improved
urban assault capabilities. Other new projects
are being executed by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
If the DSB proposal is adopted, it would only
reinforce recent Pentagon
activity. The Washington Post reported last
month that the Pentagon was
preparing to consolidate control of most of
the global war on terrorism
under the US Special Operations Command, signaling
an intensified but more
covert approach to the next phase in the battle
against al-Qaeda and other
international terrorist groups.
Special Operations units have been active in
Pakistan for months and are
training military forces in Yemen and Georgia.
These missions could provide
a cover for conducting any covert raids and
other actions against suspected
al-Qaeda members in the two countries.
The United States has also placed more than
500 Special Operations troops in
the African nation of Djibouti, where they
are near potential hot spots such
as Yemen and Somalia. The USS Belleau Wood,
an amphibious assault ship that
carries attack helicopters and a handful of
Harrier jump jets, has been
stationed off the Horn of Africa for about
six weeks, ready to carry those
troops and some specialized helicopters.
And, in early October, the Washington Times
reported that US commandos
hunting Taliban and al-Qaeda guerrillas in
Afghanistan gained permission to
employ "source operations" - clandestine tactics
typically confined to the
"Source operations" generally refers to recruiting
and maintaining spies
within the enemy's camp. In Afghanistan, it
means finding Afghans and Arabs,
possibly within the Taliban and al-Qaeda network,
who would supply
intelligence to US special-operations forces.
By David Bloom
Created 05/09/2005 - 20:33
Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents"--and
Global Terrorism?
by Frank Morales
The requirement of an ever-escalating level
of social violence to meet the political and economic needs of the insatiable
"anti-terrorist complex" is the essence of the new US militarism. What
is now openly billed as "permanent war" ultimately serves the geo-political
ends of social control in the interests of US corporate domination, much
as the anti-communist crusade of the now-exhasuted Cold War did.
Back in 2002, following the trauma of 9-11,
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld predicted there would be more terrorist
attacks against the American people and civilization at large. How could
he be so sure of that? Perhaps because these attacks would be instigated
on the order of the Honorable Mr. Rumsfeld. According to Los Angeles Times
military analyst William Arkin, writing Oct. 27, 2002, Rumsfeld set out
to create a secret army, "a super-Intelligence Support Activity" network
that would "bring together CIA and military covert action, information
warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception," to stir the pot of spiraling
global violence.
According to a classified document prepared
for Rumsfeld by his Defense Science Board, the new organization--the "Proactive,
Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)"--would actually carry out secret missions
designed to provoke terrorist groups into committing violent acts. The
P2OG, a 100-member, so-called "counter-terrorist" organization with a $100-million-a-year
budget, would ostensibly target "terrorist leaders," but according to P2OG
documents procured by Arkin, would in fact carry out missions designed
to "stimulate reactions" among "terrorist groups"--which, according to
the Defense Secretary's logic, would subsequently expose them to "counter-attack"
by the good guys. In other words, the plan is to execute secret military
operations (assassinations, sabotage, "deception") which would intentionally
result in terrorist attacks on innocent people, including Americans--essentially,
to "combat terrorism" by causing it!
This notion is currently being applied to the
problem of the Iraqi "insurgency," it seems. According to a May 1, 2005
report by Peter Maass in the New York Times Magazine, two of the top US
advisers to Iraqi paramilitary commandos fighting the insurgents are veterans
of US counterinsurgency operations in Latin America. Loaning credence to
recent media speculation about the "Salvadorization" of Iraq, the report
notes that one adviser currently in Iraq is James Steele, who led a team
of 55 US Army Special Forces advisers in El Salvador in the 1980s. Maass
writes that these advisors "trained front-line battalions that were accused
of significant human rights abuses."
The current senior US adviser at the Iraqi
Interior Ministry, which Maass writes "has operational control over the
commandos," is former top US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) official
Steve Casteel, who worked "alongside local forces" in the US-sponsored
"Drug War" in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia, "where he was involved in the
hunt for Pablo Escobar, the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel."
The US "drug war" in Latin America also serves
as a cover for ongoing counterinsurgency, employing terrorist methods to
achieve two aims: one, actually combating genuine insurgency; two, the
ratcheting up of a "strategy of tension," heightened social violence designed
to induce fear among the citizenry and the subsequent call for greater
This was the essence, for example, of Operation
Gladio, a decades-long covert campaign of provocateur-style terrorism and
deceit. The ostensible purpose of Gladio, officially launched as a covert
NATO program in 1952, was to establish a clandestine network of "stay-behind"
teams which would organize armed resistance and sabotage in the event of
a Soviet invasion of Western Europe. But the network actually took a far
more proactive role. Directed by US/NATO intelligence services of the West
against their own populations, Operation Gladio led to possibly hundreds
of innocent people being killed or maimed in "terrorist" attacks which
were then blamed on "leftist subversives" or other political opponents.
The most notorious such attack was the 1980 bombing of the train station
at Bologna, which left 85 dead. Initially blamed on left-wing radicals,
the blast was revealed upon investigation to be the work of an ultra-right
network linked to the Italy's Gladio team; four Italian neo-fascists were
eventually convicted of the crime.
The purpose was again twofold: to demonize
designated enemies (the "communists") and to frighten the public into supporting
ever-increasing powers for the national security state. It appears the
Pentagon has been implementing Gladio-style operations for quite some time--possibly
including 9-11. A stretch? Maybe not.
Witness the US Joint Chiefs discussion of "Operation
Northwoods" back in 1962, a plan to blow up U.S. "assets"--including U.S.
citizens--in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. Later, US Army Field
Manual 30-31B, entitled "Stability Operations Intelligence - Special Fields,"
dated March 18, 1970 and signed by Gen. William C Westmoreland, promoted
terrorist attacks (and the planting of false evidence) in public places
which were then to be blamed on "communists" and "socialists." It called
for the execution of terrorist attacks throughout Western Europe, carried
out through a network of covert US/NATO armies, in order to convince European
governments of "the communist threat."
What's striking is that during this period
the primary source for US government info on the Russian "threat" was coming
from the Gehlen Organiation, Hitlers eastern front intelligence apparatus,
which in the aftermath of World War II had cut a deal with the CIA's Allen
Dulles and worked out of Fort Hunt, just outside Washington DC, before
being relocated back to Munich. Headed up by super-spy Nazi General Reinhard
Gehlen, the Org's "special operations" expertise was heeded, financed and
well-protected by U.S. tax dollars well into the 1970's. Could the Gehlen
Org have had an influence in the production of FM 30-31B?
According to FM 30-31B, "there may be times
when Host Country Governments show passivity or indecision in the face
of communist subversion and according to the interpretation of the US secret
services do not react with sufficient effectiveness. Most often such situations
come about when the revolutionaries temporarily renounce the use of force
and thus hope to gain an advantage, as the leaders of the host country
wrongly consider the situation to be secure. US army intelligence must
have the means of launching special operations which will convince Host
Country Governments and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent
The U.S. Army now claims the document was a
Russian forgery. Journalist Allan Francovich in his BBC documentation on
Gladio and US/NATO "special operations" terrorism, asked Ray Cline, CIA
deputy director from 1962 to 1966, if he believed FM 30-31B was for real
and he replied: "Well, I suspect it is an authentic document. I don't doubt
it. I never saw it but it's the kind of special forces military operations
that are described," to be implemented at the discretion of the president
and Defense Department on the "appropriate occasion."
It could be that in Iraq--and elsewhere around
the world--the "appropriate occasion" has arrived. Bush's war on terrorism
could be the ultimate manifestation of the provocateur state; carrying
out of clandestine "executive actions" and "special operations" directed
against populations, including our own, who are truly ignorant of the real
"enemy" in the face of the ever-present manufactured one, traumatized by
strategic terror designed to engender fear and acquiescence to further
"security measures"--thereby enriching the military, police agencies, and
munitions and nuclear business enterprises.
"John Pilger in New Statesman
(London) 16 December 2002
John pilger reveals the deranged agendas of
the ruthlessly
power-and-profit-greedy people directing the
current American
administration, most of them relics from the
Reagan-Bush Sr. cold war era.
"Two years ago a project set up by the men
who now surround George W.
Bushsaid what America needed was "a new Pearl
Harbor". Its clearly spelled
out aims which have very conveniently come
alarmingly true, according to
John Pilger
in the New Statesman.
"The threat posed by US state terrorism to
the security of nations and
individuals was outlined in prophetic detail
in this secret document written
more than a year before the Sept. 11 events,
and accidentally exposed
recently. What was needed for America to dominate
most of humanity and the
world's resourc! es, it said, was "some catastrophic
and catalysing event
-like a new Pearl Harbor".
"The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided
the "new Pearl Harbor", described
as "the opportunity of ages". The extremists
who have since ruthlessly and
effectively exploited 11 September come from
the era of Ronald Reagan, when
far-right groups and "think-tanks" were established
to avenge the American
"defeat" in Vietnam.
"One of George W. Bush's "thinkers" is Richard
Perle. I interviewed Perle
when he was advising Reagan; and when he spoke
about "total war", I then
dismissed him as mad. He recently used the
term again in describing
America's "war on terror". "No stages," he
said. "This is total war. We are
fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots
of them out there. All this
talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan,
then we will do Iraq . . .
this is entirely the wrong way to go about
it. If we just let our vision of
th! e world go forth, and we embrace it entirely
and we don't try to piece
together clever diplomacy, but just wage a
total war . . . our children will
sing great songs about us years from now."
"Perle is one of the founders of the Project
for the New American Century,
the PNAC. Other founders include Dick Cheney,
now vice-president, Donald
Rumsfeld, defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz,
deputy defence secretary, Lewis
Libby, Cheney's chief of staff, William J
Bennett, Reagan's education
secretary, and Zalmay Khalilzad, Bush's ambassador
to Afghanistan. These are
the modern chartists of American state terrorism.
"The PNAC's seminal report, Rebuilding America's
Defences: strategy, force
and resources for a new century, was a blueprint
of American aims in all but
name. Two years ago it recommended an increase
in arms-spending by $48
billion so that Washington could "fight and
win multiple, simultaneous major
theatre wars". Thi! s has happened. It said
the United States should develop
"bunker-buster" nuclear weapons and make "star
wars" a national priority.
This is happening.
"It said that, in the event of Bush taking
power, Iraq should be a target.
And so it is. As for Iraq's alleged "weapons
of mass destruction", these
were dismissed, in so many words, as a convenient
excuse, which it is.
"While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides
the immediate
justification," it says, "the need for a substantial
American force presence
in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime
of Saddam Hussein." How has
this grand strategy been implemented?
"A series of articles in the Washington Post,
co-authored by Bob Woodward of
Watergate fame and based on long interviews
with senior members of the Bush
administration, reveals how 11 September was
"On the morning of 12 September 2001, without
any evidence of who the
hijackers were,! Rumsfeld demanded that the
US attack Iraq. According to
Woodward, Rumsfeld told a cabinet meeting
that Iraq should be "a principal
target of the first round in the war against
terrorism". Iraq was
temporarily spared only because Colin Powell,
the secretary of state,
persuaded Bush that "public opinion has to
be prepared before a move against
Iraq is possible". Afghanistan and the Talibans,
created, trained and funded
by the CIA, was chosen as the softer option.
"If Jonathan Steele's estimate in the Guardian
is correct, some 20,000
people in Afghanistan paid the price of this
debate with their lives.
"Time and again, 11 September is described
as an "opportunity". In last
April's New Yorker, the investigative reporter
Nicholas Lemann wrote that
Bush's most senior adviser, Condoleezza Rice,
told him she had called
together senior members of the National Security
Council and asked them "to
think about 'how do you capital! ise on these
opportunities' ", which she
compared with those of "1945 to 1947": the
start of the cold war."
Note: If anyone wishes to investigate in depth
and detail all the
extraordinary unexplained anomalies and blatant
inconsistencies in the
official story about September 11, I recommend
the website
"Since 11 September, America has established
bases at the gateways to all
the major sources of fossil fuels, especially
central Asia. The Unocal oil
company is to build a pipeline across Afghanistan.
"Bush has scrapped the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse
gas emissions, the war
crimes provisions of the International Criminal
Court and the anti-ballistic
missile treaty. He has said he will use nuclear
weapons against non-nuclear
states "if necessary". "Under cover of propaganda
about Iraq's alleged
weapons of mass destruction, the! Bush regime
is developing new weapons of
mass destruction that undermine international
treaties on biological and
chemical warfare.
"In the Los Angeles Times, the military analyst
William Arkin describes a
secret army set up by Donald Rumsfeld, similar
to those run by Richard Nixon
and Henry Kissinger and which Congress outlawed.
This "super-intelligence
support activity" will bring together the
"CIA and military covert
action,information warfare, and deception".
According to a classified
document prepared for Rumsfeld, the new organisation,
known by its Orwellian
euphemism as the Proactive Pre-emptive Operations
Group, or P2OG, will
provoke terrorist attacks which would then
require "counter-attack" by the
United States on countries "harbouring the
"In other words, innocent people will be killed
by the United States. This
is reminiscent of Operation Northwoods, the
plan put to President Kennedy by
h! is military chiefs for a phoney terrorist
campaign - complete with
bombings, hijackings, plane crashes and dead
Americans - as justification
for an invasion of Cuba. Kennedy rejected
it. He was assassinated a few
months later. Now Rumsfeld has resurrected
Northwoods, but with resources
undreamt of in 1963 and with no global rival
to invite caution.
"You have to keep reminding yourself this is
not fantasy: that truly
dangerous men, such as Perle and Rumsfeld
and Cheney, have power. The thread
running through their ruminations is the importance
of the media: "the
prioritised task of bringing on board journalists
of repute to accept our
"Our position" is code for lying. Certainly,
as a journalist, I have never
known official lying to be more pervasive
than today. We may laugh at the
vacuities in Tony Blair's "Iraq dossier" and
Jack Straw's inept lie that
Iraq has developed a nuclear bomb (which his
minions rus! hed to "explain").
But the more insidious lies, justifying an
unprovoked attack on Iraq and
linking it to would-be terrorists who are
said to lurk in every Tube
station, are routinely channelled as news.
They are not news; they are black
"This corruption makes journalists and broadcasters
mere ventriloquists'
dummies. An attack on a nation of 22 million
suffering people is discussed
by liberal commentators as if it were a subject
at an academic seminar, at
which pieces can be pushed around a map, as
the old imperialists used to do.
"The issue for these humanitarians is not primarily
the brutality of modern
imperial domination, but how "bad" Saddam
Hussein is. There is no admission
that their decision to join the war party
further seals the fate of tens or
even hundreds of thousands of innocent ordinary
people condemned to wait on
America's international death row. Their doublethink
will not work. You!
cannot support murderous piracy in the name
of humanitarianism. Moreover,
the extremes of American fundamentalism that
we now face have been staring
at us for too long for those of good heart
and sense not to recognise them.
"Remember, if you send this on to just 10 others
and all down the chain each
one follows the same simple procedure, THE
the present US administration is threatening
in an unprecedented way not
only the peace and survival of millions, but
the entire planet and all life
on it. Other nations MUST speak up to put
a stop to this madness. The press
is in the pay of the destructive powers and
will not tell us the truth, so
the Internet is our only way to access and
spread the truth. LET'S USE IT!"
"Unless we change direction,
we are likely to end up where we are headed."
Old Chinese Proverb