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!! Katrina Sickness !!

By: Rev. Mark Shadow

    I don't know if anyone else has noticed this trend yet as far as I know I am this first to break this story.  I have noticed that in the medium size town that I live in. There has been an out break of what is being diagnosed as walking pneumonia. Now this in it self is not uncommon but, here is the kicker it is sept. 80-90 degrees and mostly good weather.

   Sure I know that people get pneumonia in the summer. But I have heard of at least 15 cases and I don't know many people. And here is the kicker every one of them has had direct contact with hurricane Katrina victims. A dominos driver that was delivering pizza to the motel room some of them where in, a store clerk in a convenient store right next to a church that was housing some of them. A woman and her daughter both that where handing out food. A little girl that was in a class that some of the children were placed in.

   Now I am not claiming that this is part of any type of conspiracy. I believe it is just something that may have been missed or overlooked. But someone needs to look into this. Because if they a carrying a communicable disease this could end up being a major problem. GOD only knows what those poor people were exposed to. But the CDC needs to take a good look, because if I am right and this thing is being misdiagnosed. with the way the Katrina Victims have been scatted all over the US we could be in big trouble. 

   I think that it may have been a big mistake reintegrating the Victims as fast as they did. But of course the Govt. made such a fiasco out of the whole thing , that the had to play CYA once again. And make nice with the people that had been so screwed by them. That they may have put us all in jeopardy. I pray that I am mistaken but I just don't see any other logical solution to this kind of circumstance. 

  I will be forwarding this article to people who have a larger audience than me because it is not really important who gets the credit. What's important is the right people get a hold of it and get the powers that be to look into it before the situation gets worse. if people with weakened immune or respiratory systems start getting this thing it may be fatal.  And I am in no way knowledgeable enough or equipped to properly look into this matter. and lives may be at stake.


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