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For the absolute best in Professional Quality Counter Surveillance Equipment and lots of useful information visit MES Innovations at.
For all your Prepaid Cellular, Satellite TV, Web Hosting VOIP, Broad band, Cellular, and all your other communications needs visit our friends at Mountain Enterprises. http://www.tlc14u.com
Also we Highly recommend Alex Jones site for more of this type of INFORMATION!!
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Coast to Coast am has Tons of stuff on lots of subjects. With Art Bell & George Noory!!
 Propaganda Matrix
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(C) Coptright 2005
  We at Shadow Wars are in constant search of the truth. We monitor Bible Prophecy, The Government, News, Overseas sources, Internet, Weather Conditions. You name it, we Watch it. We travel as much as possible to monitor local news and local frequencies, to bring the people of the world all the information at our disposal. 

!!Survival Gear List!!
By Rev. Mark Shadow 08/11/08

This list is just a suggestion you will have to edit it according to your own needs and budget, pack space, how many people in party. If you have a group all of you do not need to carry all the same stuff. A backup is good but in a group of 10 you don't need everyone to carry a hatchet or have 10 potable radios when 2 would be good. Plan accordingly. This list will also be of great assistance in case of natural disasters.

Back Pack List
What I use!
Pocket knife leatherman/swiss army
Fire starter 2 Bic Lighters/stike anywhere matches in waterproof container.
Candle Cabelas Candle Lantern
Parachute Cord
Fishing Line
Zip Ties
Bread ties
Space Blanket
Compass Military Lensetic
Hunting Knife Army M-9 Bayonet
Pin on Compass
Throw away tarp
Backpack Tent
Hatchet East wing Hatchet
Folding Shovel US Army
Portable Radio Radio Shack DX-395 am/fm/shortwave. Might wish to consider one with solar and crank power. I bought a Eaton fr-300 from c-crane and I love it.
Sleeping Bag/ for climate Coleman med weather
Tree Saw
Can Opener P-38
Zip Lock Bags
Fist Aid Kit A Bunch Of Odd Stuff In A Washed Out Plastic Peanut Butter Jar.
Back Pack  Army Alice Pack- But Plan on Upgrading.
Fire Starter Flint and Steel Tool
Frs Radios
Cooking Gear Army Mess Kit and Knife with Spoon and Fork in it
Maps Of Area You'll Be In
Flashlight Everlight LED that generates it's own power by shaking it.
Water Proof Bag US Army
2 Days Clothing
Canteen or Water Bottle 2 Quart Army Desert Canteen
Pistol/ Survival Rifle/ Ammo  Ruger P-89DC
Bar Soap/ Other Toiletries
Small Sewing Kit A upholstery needle and a few other with small Thread spools in see through pill bottle. Fishing line is good for repairs.
Hiking Boots/ Shoes Herman Survivors
Good Jacket With Hood
Food For A Couple Days Dried Rice & Pinto Beans  Not the greatest But takes up small space and it will keep you going
Water Filter Or Purification Tabs
!!Vehicle List!!
5 Gal Gas can with Fuel And Stabilizer 
% Gal Water can
Large First Aid Kit
Laptop/ with mapping program Panasonic Toughbook CF-25
Scanner Bear Cat BCT-7
CB Radio Cobra 148
Tow Chain Or Strap
Gal Oil
Spare Belt Hoses/ Parts
Tool Kit
Jumper Cables
Winch Or Come Along
Extra Blankets/ Sleeping Bags
Multi Fuel Stove Coleman
Muli Fuel Lantern Coleman
Spare and Jack/ Lug Wrench
Tire Plug Kit
Cell Phone
Water Filter or Purification Tabs
Shovel & Chain Saw, Tree Saw, Axe, Sledge & Wedges, Block and Tackle, Rope
Gardening Tools & Seeds (non hybrid)
!! Other Useful Items!! 
Empty Pill Bottles ( see through ) Washed out Plastic Penut Butter Jars
Power Inverter Solar or crank Battery charger
Tool Box Jumper Cables
12v Marine Battery Water Proof Containers
Portable Battery Powerd TV Climbing Rope
Pulley Block & Tackle

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